We are all volcanoes waiting to be seen for everything we are

We have all definitely seen volcanoes; I mean the model volcanoes in school science fairs 😛

And when we think of volcanoes, we always think of the lava that is emerging violently and the destruction volcanoes cause.

Barren island volcano,

Andaman islands.

<Photo credit: Newsmobile>

Until today, I always thought volcanoes are entirely destructive. I bet most of us think the same. Here is an excerpt from a blog post that proves otherwise:

“To scientists, volcanoes are known as “constructive” forces. That is, volcanoes often result in the construction of new landforms. The process of rock formation and break down is part of the “rock cycle.” Volcanoes contribute to the rock cycle by bringing molten rocks to the surface to create new landforms. With enough volcanic “construction”, a mountain is formed. Some volcanic mountains form on continental land masses. Other volcanic mountains build from the bottom of the sea to become islands that dot the oceans of the Earth.” E-missions

The intense nature of volcanoes prevent us from seeing them as also constructive. Volcanoes’ intensity triggers an impulsiveness in us to wear blinkers and just focus on their destructive nature. This is not to dismiss that volcanoes can cause destruction; but that there is more to volcanoes than the destruction they cause.

Blinkers on a horse

And, just like volcanoes, any intense emotion that we see in someone can trigger us to wear a blinker and solely focus on their flaws. Due to the triggered impulsivity, we find it difficult to also remember their constructive side.

This applies to how we see ourselves too. When we make one mistake, or one thing goes wrong in our life, we obsessively start focusing on that one part and impulsively dismiss that we are a whole human being with a rich life.

And the impulsivity to focus on the flaws either in others or ourselves or in volcanoes is understandable; we are all humans driven by the need to self-protect from danger.

It takes effort to zoom out and see the whole picture. Yes, this effort is very difficult because we have to work against our impulsivity. Yet, it is very important to intentionally take this effort so that we are able to build acceptance in our life during tough situations and approach others and ourselves with openness and calmness in our heart.

Let me know a moment in life you worked against your impulsivity to focus on the flaws. Comment 🙂

Ending this post with a couple of my favourite lines..

Un kuraigal naan ariya villai;

Arindhal suriyanil sutham illai !